Halloween is open season for all your scariest pranks to pull on your friends and family. Here are Kidzworld’s top pranks to pull on Halloween!
No. 10: Rude Awakening
Wear a scary mask and wake up your mom and dad.
No. 9: Spidey-O’s
Put some fake spiders in your sister’s favorite breakfast cereal box. What’s breakfast without a little entertainment?
Spidey CerealNo. 8: Bloody Water
Put a dap of red food coloring underneath the facet in your bathroom sink or shower nozzle … the next person to use the bathroom will get a bloody shower!
Bloody ShowerNo. 7: Horror Movie Hangover
After watching a horror movie, your siblings or friends will most likely react to anything that looks similar to that movie. So if they watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, wake them up in the middle of the night with a chainsaw!:
No. 6: Box Blowup
Hide in a giant box with some eye-holes. When you see someone coming, jump out of the box. Works really good with a scary costume!
No. 5: Don’t Go in the Closet!
Hide in your sister’s closet before she wakes up and when she goes to get ready for school, jump out with a mask on!
Creepy ClosetNo. 4: Toilet Terror
Hide something scary in the toilet and close the lid …
Toilet TerrorNo. 3: Video Camera Capture
If you do any of these pranks, make sure to catch them on video so you can post their reactions online for the whole world to see.
No. 2: Walk in the Woods
The scariest place to pull a prank is definitely the woods, so just get into your scary costume and hide behind some tree along a walking trail and jump out at all the people trying to relax on a nature walk.
No. 1: Bloody Mess
Any situation with a lot of blood is a really good prank. Here is a clip of some high school students scaring their teacher:
Have Your Say
What's the scariest prank you've ever pulled? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
6 years ago
“(copied that straight from the internet, lol u can find some pretty good pranks on there)”
6 years ago
“good list... could use several more pranks though for example, You know those colored dot stickers that can be used for various office purposes or rummage sales? Purchase the dots in two or three colors, preferably red, yellow, and blue. When it's dark outside, stick one dot on the each of your neighbors' front doors. Put one on your own door so that you aren't suspect. The next day will be interesting when neighbors try to figure out what the dots mean and why there are different colors. ”
6 years ago
“Whenever I eat cereal and I see likea bloody hand it disgusts me lol”
6 years ago
“I pranked my freind to make her think I was a werewolf”
7 years ago
“I don't think my mom feel scared to scary masks..lol..---****”
7 years ago
“I don't think my mom and dad don't feel scary to mask. lol..”
7 years ago
“these are really really lame!!”
7 years ago
“what's wrong with you guys these pranks aren't that scary at all exept the bloody water”
7 years ago
“good prank s”
7 years ago
“If someone pulled a prank on me I would not like it”